Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Jumpin' Lambie. :)

Happy Thursday. I haven't made any diabolical plans yet for my loom. I'm not amused either.  I have frittered away yet another morning.   I've begun to wind a warp for tea towels.. But whole idea isn't really very exciting.   I think I need to use my little Happy Jumpin' Lambie as my mascot and muse.  Maybe she will help provide me with some direction. 

In the Spring, there will be a number of Fiber Festivals taking place.  I'm usually a vendor at two of them.  With the economy tanking, the festivals I attended last year were so unfruitful.  I'm considering dropping away from both of them.  If I manage to weave some interesting things and price them unreasonably low, I might have a little more profit.  Weaving is incredibly labor intensive.  There is no real overhead for me since I have so much fiber stored away.  So, I would be losing out on labor in the end.   :::shrug:::  Taking a negative view of all this so incredibly  counterproductive.  So, I need to get up from the computer, walk over to my warping board and get busy, right??!!  Yes!  So, it looks like some beautiful, reasonably priced, handwoven tea towels for me....!


  1. Hi Denise! I found your blog. It is on my Favorites list now!

    I bet you will feel better if you sit down and create!!

  2. I love the jumping lambie! Too sweet! I had fun on Saturday even though I was a bunch stressed! The rest of the day went well but I am so tired today!

  3. who found me?? lol i've been trying ot figure to out... :)


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Heartfelt Haiku - "Serenity"

I'm longing for blue Waves and tides and beach campfires The October cape.